How to Join our Pack
Annual Membership Costs
Pack 80 is a volunteer led group, so we collect membership fees only to cover pack expenses.
Some things to note:
Fees are broken down into two parts for cub scouts comprising of 1) the BSA National Annual Membership Fee plus Pack Sky Annual Program Fee and 2) the Pack Level (Unit) Membership Fee
Effective June 1 2024, BSA Changed the process and it now directly collects the BSA/PacSky portion of the fees. This is $170 per cub scout and is due at joining or renewal. Renewal is an automated electronic process directly between BSA and families. Fee Structure outlined here.
Pack 80 (Unit) fees will be collected independently of the BSA portion and are calculated based on the previous years spend for Pack activities including the cost of family campouts. For 24/25 Pack 80 will be requesting $165 per cub scout (represents a $5 increase since last year) and equates to a little over $3 per week.
Pack 80 requires uniforms be worn at Pack meetings and Den meetings, and occasionally at outings. The uniform consists of the official Cub Scout blue shirt (Webelos scouts can wear a tan Troop scouting shirt), neckerchief, slide, hat, and belt (awards go either on the belt or shirt). Official Cub Scout uniform pants or shorts are optional in our Pack. It is OK for a Cub Scout to wear any solid blue color jeans or shorts to save on costs (or solid khaki green color pants for Webelos wearing a tan Troop scouting shirt). For most outings appropriate clothing and the yellow Pack 80 "Class B" T-shirt that we provide when scouts join is all that is required.
Uniforms can be purchased at local scout shops in our area, see and, and also at the BSA online store, see
For more details about the Cub Scout uniform see here:
For the official rules on what patches to buy and where to put patches on the uniform see here,, or also the inside of the back cover of your handbook (see next section below). Our Pack number is 80, our Council is "Pacific Skyline Council, California". For your Den number check with your Den leader.
Each Cub Scout rank has a specific handbook. Handbooks can also be purchased at our local scout shops ( or the BSA online store (, same as for uniforms. Handbooks can not be shared between scouts since requirements for advancement to the next rank, and requirements for completing adventures, are checked off in the handbook and signed-off by the Parent and Den leader to serve as the official record of a scout's achievements.
Hardship Fund
Every child is entitled to the same scouting experience regardless of a family's ability to pay. Our Pack is fortunate to have a scholarship fund established for families facing a financial hardship. For more information, contact us at