Volunteering in our Pack
Pack 80 is entirely volunteer led by parents and legal guardians of Cub Scouts in our Pack. Our Pack would not exist without our adult volunteers, and we are deeply grateful for all their time and dedication to support our Pack.
Volunteer Positions in our Pack
Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster
Pack Committee Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer
Pack Advancement Chair
Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader for each Den (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I, Webelos II)
Our Committee Chair hosts a monthly Pack Committee meeting together with the Den Leaders over Zoom. This meeting is usually on the first Monday of the month, a week after our monthly Pack meeting. The monthly Pack Committee meeting is our main forum for planning Pack activities and ensuring the continued wellbeing of our Pack and its Cub Scouts.
If you are interested to take on a leadership role in our Pack then please talk to our Cubmaster or Committee Chair at our next Pack Meeting, or reach out to them over email.
Becoming a Volunteer in our Pack
To volunteer in our Pack, you first need to register as an adult with the BSA, and go through an approval process:
Complete an adult application, either hard copy (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-501.pdf) or on-line here: https://my.scouting.org/VES/OnlineReg/1.0.0/?tu=UF-MB-031paa0080.
Complete Youth Protection Training, see https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection.
Complete (California) State Mandated Reporter Training: https://pacsky.org/training/ca-ypt
Our Pack Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Representative review and approve your application, then submit it to BSA for background check and final approval.
All adult volunteers need to follow the Scouter Code of Conduct whenever participating in scouting activities: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/Scouter_Code_of_Conduct.pdf.